Winterizing Your Garage Door

As winter starts to approach, you may be raking and doing other tasks to prepare the property for the cold months. Around this time, it's smart to prepare your garage door too; here are some winterizing tips for garage doors.

Seal Holes

A hole may not cause any immediate inconvenience, which is why it may not have been touched since you noticed it. However, as colder days arrive, you should seal holes for your own benefit. Mice and other vermin can be looking for a warmer place than outdoors to settle in for the long winter. Garages can be the perfect location, and if your door already has even the smallest hole, pests can use them to gain entry. Critters aren't the only reason to handle holes; snow or rain can be blown right into the garage through any door gap.

One quick fix is to spackle any existing small holes. For larger ones, you may have to contact a contractor.

Replace Weather Strips

The worn rubber strips on door edges have been something that you noticed from time to time, but just as holes should be sealed up, it's also vital for the strips to be replaced if you can see that they're ripped or not adhering properly. New strips are easily bought at home stores or big box retailers.

Your old weather strips can likely be pulled off, but if there are points along the door where they've been screwed in, just use the right tool to remove the screws and take the strips off the door. The new strips are easy to attach and can often just be stuck onto the door itself; just be certain the strips are aligned correctly before pressing down on them.

Lubricate Moving Parts

It's important to ensure that all moving parts aren't experiencing too much friction by rubbing against other parts. When that happens, you'll begin hearing squeaks and grinding sounds. You may be applying lubricant periodically, but because of the low temperatures you should be pre-emptive about lubricating hinges, rollers and other parts more frequently.

Add Insulation

You may know the garage is a place where you need more insulation, but the door can always have additional support, particularly if your door isn't brand new. Foam insulation panels can be attached to door rails and are sometimes pre-cut.

With these tasks, your door preparation for the winter should be complete. Ask a door contractor for a full assessment to be certain.
